OCTOBER 8TH UPDATE: A Massachusetts State Ethics Commission complaint was filed against District 7 City Councillor Margareth Shepard for the incident described below.
Framingham Unfiltered supports Magda Janus (above) for District 7 City Council. Janus is the underdog, yet she is supported. She has the endorsement of our Framingham heroes of the Framingham Firefighters IAFF Local 1652. Janus has already sat down with members of police leadership, members of the housing authority, and has actively been out knocking on doors stumping for support. She is our pick for the role.
Janus is running against Leora Mallach. While Mallach tries to appear separate from Spicer, she IS Spicer’s pick for District 7 City Council. Leora Mallach is very much entwined to Spicer, Spicer’s slate of elected officials, and Spicer’s supporters – and we will prove that shortly.
On the evening on October 5th, during the city council meeting, after the meeting had adjourned, current City Councilor for District 7 Margareth Shepard spoke up, wanting to make a ‘public service announcement’.
Margareth Shepard is a staunch supporter of the Mayor and her policies. Due to the time required by the position she is not seeking re-election.
The public service announcement, instead was a public tongue lashing meant to defame an anti-Spicer City Council candidate who is running Shepard’s seat. Worse yet, the statement Shepard made, was based on hearsay, or third person, without consulting the person being defamed.
While the court can request a jury to disregard an objectional statement, it cannot be unheard. Likewise this statement, cannot be unheard. Shepard should step down from her role on the council and needs to publicly apologize.
Watch that “Public Service Announcement” below.
Since announcing her candidacy over the summer, Mallach has raised close to $5000 dollars, including taking large sums of money from hardcore Spicer supporter Beth Greeley, Timothy Brainerd, Mary Breen, and others.
Leora Mallach IS part of the SPICER SLATE. Mallach will not be an independent voice on City Council. The supporters of Mayor Spicer support Leora Mallach. Follow the money. The money that’s going to Mallach is also going to Spicer and her slate.
Names on the left are the donor’s, and the name on the right is who they donated to.